DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Concurrent transactions and multi-threaded database access in embedded SQL applications

One feature of some operating systems is the ability to run several threads of execution within a single process. The multiple threads allow an application to handle asynchronous events, and makes it easier to create event-driven applications, without resorting to polling schemes. The information that follows describes how the DB2® database manager works with multiple threads, and lists some design guidelines that you should keep in mind.

If you are not familiar with terms relating to the development of multi-threaded applications (such as critical section and semaphore), consult the programming documentation for your operating system.

A DB2 embedded SQL application can execute SQL statements from multiple threads using contexts. A context is the environment from which an application runs all SQL statements and API calls. All connections, units of work, and other database resources are associated with a specific context. Each context is associated with one or more threads within an application. Developing multi-threaded embedded SQL applications with thread-safe code is only supported in C and C++. It is possible to write your own precompiler, that along with features supplied by the language allows concurrent multithread database access.

For each executable SQL statement in a context, the first run-time services call always tries to obtain a latch. If it is successful, it continues processing. If not (because an SQL statement in another thread of the same context already has the latch), the call is blocked on a signaling semaphore until that semaphore is posted, at which point the call gets the latch and continues processing. The latch is held until the SQL statement has completed processing, at which time it is released by the last run-time services call that was generated for that particular SQL statement.

The net result is that each SQL statement within a context is executed as an atomic unit, even though other threads may also be trying to execute SQL statements at the same time. This action ensures that internal data structures are not altered by different threads at the same time. APIs also use the latch used by run-time services; therefore, APIs have the same restrictions as run-time services routines within each context.

Contexts may be exchanged between threads in a process, but not exchanged between processes. One use of multiple contexts is to provide support for concurrent transactions.

In the default implementation of threaded applications against a DB2 database, serialization of access to the database is enforced by the database APIs. If one thread performs a database call, calls made by other threads will be blocked until the first call completes, even if the subsequent calls access database objects that are unrelated to the first call. In addition, all threads within a process share a commit scope. True concurrent access to a database can only be achieved through separate processes, or by using the APIs that are described in this topic.

DB2 database systems provide APIs that can be used to allocate and manipulate separate environments (contexts) for the use of database APIs and embedded SQL. Each context is a separate entity, and any connection or attachment using one context is independent of all other contexts (and thus all other connections or attachments within a process). In order for work to be done on a context, it must first be associated with a thread. A thread must always have a context when making database API calls or when using embedded SQL.

All DB2 database system applications are multithreaded by default, and are capable of using multiple contexts. You can use the following DB2 APIs to use multiple contexts. Specifically, your application can create a context for a thread, attach to or detach from a separate context for each thread, and pass contexts between threads. If your application does not call any of these APIs, DB2 will automatically manage the multiple contexts for your application:

These APIs have no effect (that is, they are no-ops) on platforms that do not support application threading.

Contexts need not be associated with a given thread for the duration of a connection or attachment. One thread can attach to a context, connect to a database, detach from the context, and then a second thread can attach to the context and continue doing work using the already existing database connection. Contexts can be passed around among threads in a process, but not among processes.

Even if the new APIs are used, the following APIs continue to be serialized:
  1. The CLI automatically uses multiple contexts to achieve thread-safe, concurrent database access on platforms that support multi-threading. While not recommended by DB2, users can explicitly disable this feature if required.
  2. By default, AIX® does not permit 32-bit applications to attach to more than 11 shared memory segments per process, of which a maximum of 10 can be used for DB2 connections.

    When this limit is reached, DB2 returns SQLCODE -1224 on an SQL CONNECT. DB2 Connect™ also has the 10-connection limitation if local users are running two-phase commit with a TP Monitor (TCP/IP).

    The AIX environment variable EXTSHM can be used to increase the maximum number of shared memory segments to which a process can attach.

    To use EXTSHM with DB2, do the following:

    In client sessions:
    export EXTSHM=ON
    When starting the DB2 server:
    export EXTSHM=ON
    On partitioned database environment, also add the following lines to your userprofile or usercshrc files:
    export EXTSHM

    An alternative is to move the local database or DB2 Connect into another machine and to access it remotely, or to access the local database or the DB2 Connect database with TCP/IP loop-back by cataloging it as a remote node that has the TCP/IP address of the local machine.