DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Introduction to the DB2 audit facility

To manage access to your sensitive data, you can use a variety of authentication and access control mechanisms to establish rules and controls for acceptable data access. But to protect against and discover unknown or unacceptable behaviors you can monitor data access by using the DB2® audit facility.

Successful monitoring of unwanted data access and subsequent analysis can lead to improvements in the control of data access and the ultimate prevention of malicious or careless unauthorized access to data. The monitoring of application and individual user access, including system administration actions, can provide a historical record of activity on your database systems.

The DB2 audit facility generates, and allows you to maintain, an audit trail for a series of predefined database events. The records generated from this facility are kept in an audit log file. The analysis of these records can reveal usage patterns that would identify system misuse. Once identified, actions can be taken to reduce or eliminate such system misuse.

The audit facility provides the ability to audit at both the instance and the individual database level, independently recording all instance and database level activities with separate logs for each. The system administrator (who holds SYSADM authority) can use the db2audit tool to configure audit at the instance level as well as to control when such audit information is collected. The system administrator can use the db2audit tool to archive both instance and database audit logs as well as to extract audit data from archived logs of either type.

The security administrator (who holds SECADM authority within a database) can use audit policies in conjunction with the SQL statement, AUDIT, to configure and control the audit requirements for an individual database. The security administrator can use the following audit routines to perform the specified tasks: The security administrator can grant EXECUTE privilege on these routines to another user, therefore enabling the security administrator to delegate these tasks, if desired.

When working in a partitioned database environment, many of the auditable events occur at the database partition at which the user is connected (the coordinator partition) or at the catalog partition (if they are not the same database partition). The implication of this is that audit records can be generated by more than one database partition. Part of each audit record contains information identifying the coordinator partition and originating partition (the partition where audit record originated).

At the instance level, the audit facility must be stopped and started explicitly by use of the db2audit start and db2audit stop commands. When you start instance-level auditing, the audit facility uses existing audit configuration information. Since the audit facility is independent of the DB2 database server, it will remain active even if the instance is stopped. In fact, when the instance is stopped, an audit record may be generated in the audit log. To start auditing at the database level, first you need to create an audit policy, then you associate this audit policy with the objects you want to monitor, such as, authorization IDs, database authorities, trusted contexts or particular tables.

Categories of audit records

There are different categories of audit records that may be generated. In the following description of the categories of events available for auditing, you should notice that following the name of each category is a one-word keyword used to identify the category type. The categories of events available for auditing are:

For any of the above categories, you can audit failures, successes, or both.

Any operations on the database server may generate several records. The actual number of records generated in the audit log depends on the number of categories of events to be recorded as specified by the audit facility configuration. It also depends on whether successes, failures, or both, are audited. For this reason, it is important to be selective of the events to audit.