Checking for integrity violations following a load operation

Following a load operation, the loaded table might be in set integrity pending state in either READ or NO ACCESS mode if any of the following conditions exist:
  • The table has table check constraints or referential integrity constraints defined on it.
  • The table has generated columns and a V7 or earlier client was used to initiate the load operation.
  • The table has descendent immediate materialized query tables or descendent immediate staging tables referencing it.
  • The table is a staging table or a materialized query table.
The STATUS flag of the SYSCAT.TABLES entry corresponding to the loaded table indicates the set integrity pending state of the table. For the loaded table to be fully usable, the STATUS must have a value of N and the ACCESS MODE must have a value of F, indicating that the table is fully accessible and in normal state.

If the loaded table has descendent tables, the SET INTEGRITY PENDING CASCADE parameter can be specified to indicate whether or not the set integrity pending state of the loaded table should be immediately cascaded to the descendent tables.

If the loaded table has constraints as well as descendent foreign key tables, dependent materialized query tables and dependent staging tables, and if all of the tables are in normal state before the load operation, the following will result based on the load parameters specified:
The loaded table, its dependent materialized query tables and dependent staging tables are placed in set integrity pending state with read access.
Only the loaded table is placed in set integrity pending with read access. Descendent foreign key tables, descendent materialized query tables and descendent staging tables remain in their original states.
The loaded table, its dependent materialized query tables and dependent staging tables are placed in set integrity pending state with no access.
Only the loaded table is placed in set integrity pending state with no access. Descendent foreign key tables, descendent immediate materialized query tables and descendent immediate staging tables remain in their original states.
The table and all its descendent foreign key tables, descendent immediate materialized query tables, and descendent immediate staging tables are placed in set integrity pending state with no access.
Note: Specifying the ALLOW READ ACCESS option in a load replace operation results in an error.
To remove the set integrity pending state, use the SET INTEGRITY statement. The SET INTEGRITY statement checks a table for constraints violations, and takes the table out of set integrity pending state. If all the load operations are performed in INSERT mode, the SET INTEGRITY statement can be used to incrementally process the constraints (that is, it checks only the appended portion of the table for constraints violations). For example:
   db2 load from infile1.ixf of ixf insert into table1
   db2 set integrity for table1 immediate checked

Only the appended portion of TABLE1 is checked for constraint violations. Checking only the appended portion for constraints violations is faster than checking the entire table, especially in the case of a large table with small amounts of appended data.

In IBM® Data Studio Version 3.1 or later, you can use the task assistant for setting integrity. Task assistants can guide you through the process of setting options, reviewing the automatically generated commands to perform the task, and running these commands. For more details, see Administering databases with task assistants.

If a table is loaded with the SET INTEGRITY PENDING CASCADE DEFERRED option specified, and the SET INTEGRITY statement is used to check for integrity violations, the descendent tables are placed in set integrity pending state with no access. To take the tables out of this state, you must issue an explicit request.

If a table with dependent materialized query tables or dependent staging tables is loaded using the INSERT option, and the SET INTEGRITY statement is used to check for integrity violations, the table is taken out of set integrity pending state and placed in No Data Movement state. This is done to facilitate the subsequent incremental refreshes of the dependent materialized query tables and the incremental propagation of the dependent staging tables. In the No Data Movement state, operations that might cause the movement of rows within the table are not allowed.

You can override the No Data Movement state by specifying the FULL ACCESS option when you issue the SET INTEGRITY statement. The table is fully accessible, however a full re-computation of the dependent materialized query tables takes place in subsequent REFRESH TABLE statements and the dependent staging tables are forced into an incomplete state.

If the ALLOW READ ACCESS option is specified for a load operation, the table remains in read access state until the SET INTEGRITY statement is used to check for constraints violations. Applications can query the table for data that existed before the load operation once it has been committed, but will not be able to view the newly loaded data until the SET INTEGRITY statement is issued.

Several load operations can take place on a table before checking for constraints violations. If all of the load operations are completed in ALLOW READ ACCESS mode, only the data that existed in the table before the first load operation is available for queries.

One or more tables can be checked in a single invocation of this statement. If a dependent table is to be checked on its own, the parent table can not be in set integrity pending state. Otherwise, both the parent table and the dependent table must be checked at the same time. In the case of a referential integrity cycle, all the tables involved in the cycle must be included in a single invocation of the SET INTEGRITY statement. It might be convenient to check the parent table for constraints violations while a dependent table is being loaded. This can only occur if the two tables are not in the same table space.

When issuing the SET INTEGRITY statement, you can specify the INCREMENTAL option to explicitly request incremental processing. In most cases, this option is not needed, because the Db2® database selects incremental processing. If incremental processing is not possible, full processing is used automatically. When the INCREMENTAL option is specified, but incremental processing is not possible, an error is returned if:
  • New constraints are added to the table while it is in set integrity pending state.
  • A load replace operation takes place, or the NOT LOGGED INITIALLY WITH EMPTY TABLE option is activated, after the last integrity check on the table.
  • A parent table is load replaced or checked for integrity non-incrementally.
  • The table is in set integrity pending state before an upgrade. Full processing is required the first time the table is checked for integrity after an upgrade.
  • The table space containing the table or its parent is rolled forward to a point in time and the table and its parent reside in different table spaces.

If a table has one or more W values in the CONST_CHECKED column of the SYSCAT.TABLES catalog, and if the NOT INCREMENTAL option is not specified in the SET INTEGRITY statement, the table is incrementally processed and the CONST_CHECKED column of SYSCAT.TABLES is marked as U to indicate that not all data has been verified by the system.

The SET INTEGRITY statement does not activate any DELETE triggers as a result of deleting rows that violate constraints, but once the table is removed from set integrity pending state, triggers are active. Thus, if you correct data and insert rows from the exception table into the loaded table, any INSERT triggers defined on the table are activated. The implications of this should be considered. One option is to drop the INSERT trigger, insert rows from the exception table, and then re-create the INSERT trigger.