DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Some registry and environment variables have been deprecated

There are a number of registry variables that are deprecated in Version 10.1. The variables are still available, but you should not use them because they will likely be removed in a future version.

The following table lists deprecated registry and environment variables. They have been replaced by another feature, or the function that they support is obsolete.
Table 1. Registry and environment variables deprecated in Version 10.1
Registry or environment variable Details
DB2_LIKE_VARCHAR The most recommended setting for this variable is Y, which is the default value. Configuring this variable on your own might result in unpredictable query performance because the scenarios that can benefit from setting the variable are complex. You should only change this variable at the recommendation of IBM® Service.


Stop using this registry variable unless you are directed to do so by IBM Service.