Uninstalling fix pack by using Installation Manager silent mode

You can revert to the previous version of Jazz™ for Service Management by using Installation Manager silent mode.

About this task

When you revert to the previous version of Jazz for Service Management, Installation Manager does not automatically install interim fixes. You must manually install interim fixes after you roll back.

Important: You can only rollback a fix pack that has been applied to an existing Jazz for Service Management environment. You cannot roll back to a previous version if you performed a clean installation of a base and fix pack refresh release. For example, if you performed a clean installation of Version, you cannot roll back to

You must back up the REGISTRY_HOME/etc/CLI.properties file.

The rollback_jazzsm_FP3_response.xml response file reverts the following Jazz for Service Management integration services from the current version to the previous version:

  • Administration Services installed in WebSphere® full or Liberty profile
  • Administration Services UI
  • IBM® Dashboard Application Services Hub
  • Registry Services
  • Security Services
  • Reporting Services


  1. Browse to the location of the response files.
    • JazzSM_Image_Home/responsefiles/platform_name directory, after you obtained Jazz for Service Management Version 1.1.2 release installation media on DVDs or from IBM Passport Advantage®
    • JazzSM_Home/responsefiles/platform_name directory, after you obtained the delta package from IBM Fix Central.

    platform_name is the name of the supported platform, that is, unix or windows

  2. Make a backup of the update response file, rollback_jazzsm_112_response.xml.
  3. Open a command window, and change to the Installation_Manager_Home/eclipse/tools directory, where Installation_Manager_Home refers to the installation root directory for Installation Manager.
  4. Run the Installation Manager utility to encrypt the passwords for the administrator users as required.
    Table 1. Administrator roles
    Role type Response file password parameter
    DB2® administrator

    Required for Registry Services installation or update only

    WebSphere Application Server administrator, whose credentials are also administration of the Jazz for Service Management application server profile

    Required for installation or update of any integration service

    1. Open a command window, and change to the Installation_Manager_Home/eclipse/tools directory, where Installation_Manager_Home refers to the installation root directory for Installation Manager.
    2. Run the following command for your platform to generate an encrypted password:
      AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systemsOn UNIX systems
      ./imutilsc encryptString password_to_encrypt
      Windows operating systemsOn Windows systems
      ./imutilsc.exe encryptString password_to_encrypt
    3. Copy the output for use in the silent response file.
  5. Open the response file, edit it for the following parameters, and save the file.
    Home for existing Jazz for Service Management installation
    Only edit the value for the installationLocation attribute if the installation home is different from the default value.
    AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems
    <profile id='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' installLocation='/opt/IBM/JazzSM'/>
    Windows operating systems
    <profile id='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' installLocation='C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM'>
    Administrator user name for the Jazz for Service Management WebSphere profile
    Only edit the value if the administrator user name is different from the default value.
    <data key='user.WAS_USER_NAME' value='WAS_admin_user'/>
    DB2 user name to connect to the DB2 instance associated with the Registry Services database
    Only specify this value if you have installed Registry Services; otherwise delete this data key.
    <data key='user.DB_USER_NAME,com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.server' value='DB_admin_user'/>
    Administrator user name for the Jazz for Service Management WebSphere profile
    Only edit the value if the administrator user name is different from the default value.
    <data key='user.WAS_USER_NAME' value='WAS_admin_user'/>
    DB2 user password
    Only specify the encrypted password that was generated in step 4 if you have installed Registry Services; otherwise delete this data key.
    <data key='user.DB_PASSWORD,com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.server' value='DB_user_password'/>
    Fix pack software packages to roll back
    Only keep the offering elements for the installed integration services components on the machine that you want to roll back and modifyversion_number as required. Delete those offering elements if the integration services are not installed on the machine, or you do not want to roll back.
    	<!-- Administration Services offering selected for rollback -->
    	<offering id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.admin.server' version="version_number" profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' features=''/>
    	<!-- Administration Services UI offering selected for rollback -->
    	<offering id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.admin.ui' version="version_number" profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' features=''/>
    <!-- Registry Services offering selected for rollback -->
    	<offering id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.server' version="version_number" profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' features=''/>
    <!-- Reporting Services environment offering selected for rollback -->
    <offering id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.reporting.services' version="version_number" profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' features=''/>
    	<!-- Security Services offering selected for rollback -->
    	<offering id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.ess.service' version="version_number" profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' features=''/>
    	<!-- IBM Dashboard Application Services offering selected for rollback -->
    	<offering id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.tip.install' version="version_number" profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management' features=''/>
    version_number refers to the version to roll back.
    Attention: To roll back to Version 1.1, you must modify the file and update the version_number. For Administration Services, Administration Services UI, Registry Services, and Security Services offerings, specify the version_number as For IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub offering, specify the version_number as In addition, comment out the Reporting Services offering com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.reporting.services.
  6. Run the following command for your platform to silently roll back to the previous version of Jazz for Service Management:
    • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems
      ./imcl input path_response_file -log path_log_file -acceptLicense
    • Windows operating systems
      imcl.exe input path_response_file -log path_log_file -acceptLicense
    • path_response_file refers to the path and response file name.
    • path_log_file refers to the path and file name for the silent uninstallation log file.

What to do next

Restore the CLI.properties file to the REGISTRY_HOME/etc directory.