Performing a full installation

After you prepared your environment, downloaded the installation and update media, and extracted the contents of the relevant media, you can run a full installation from the launchpad.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that your environment is prepared, including hardware and software requirements, and local file system setup. See Preparing your environment for a full installation.
  2. Ensure that you modified the DB2® sample response file, if the 50000 port is already in use. See Changing the default DB2 port.

About this task

During the full installation, you specify the common root directory of the extracted installation images. You specify the common user name and password to use as the administrator user for DB2, WebSphere® Application Server, and Jazz for Service Management. You also specify the host name of the local server and the installation locations for DB2, WebSphere Application Server, and Jazz for Service Management.

The full installation calls the relevant installation programs and silently installs DB2, WebSphere Application Server, and the following Jazz for Service Management integration services: Administration Services, Dashboard Application Services Hub, Registry Services, Security Services, and Reporting Services.

If you choose to install Reporting Services, the installation also creates the IBM® Cognos® content store, TCRDB, in the same DB2 instance as the Registry Services database. See Setting up a local file system for a full installation

During the installation process, Administration Services registers Registry Services, Dashboard Application Services Hub, and Reporting Services as managed resources and installs the respective task bundles.
Note: Administration Services registers task bundles only for those integration services that were installed into the same Installation Manager package group, that is, the Core services in Jazz for Service Management package group.

The generic and offering specific log files that are generated during the full installation are saved in the following locations:

  • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems$HOME/jazzsm_launchpad/logs/
  • Windows operating systems%USERPROFILE%\jazzsm_launchpad\logs\


  1. Start the launchpad.
    Restriction: Ensure that the path to the JazzSM_Image_Home/ directory does not contain any spaces or special characters, otherwise the launchpad does not start.
    • Ensure that you have only one instance of the launchpad open at a time.
    • If DB2 or WebSphere Application Server repository is available on a shared network drive, run the launchpad from the local file system to access the repository on the shared drive, and install Jazz for Service Management. You cannot run the launchpad from a shared network drive.
    Option Description
    On Windows systems Browse to the JazzSM_Image_Home/ directory.

    If you require administrative privileges to install a component, right-click launchpad64.exe and select Run as Administrator; otherwise, double-click launchpad64.exe. See Root and non-root installations.

    On Linux or AIX® systems In a command window, open the JazzSM_Image_Home/ directory and run ./
    Note: Updates to the launchpad might be available between scheduled Jazz for Service Management releases.
    • If you are connected to the Internet, the launchpad automatically checks whether any updates are available and prompts you to update the launchpad. To install the updates, click Install. The updates are installed and the launchpad is restarted automatically.
    • If you are not connected to the Internet or if you want to install updates from your local file system, perform the following steps:
      1. Download the updates.pkg update package from and copy it to your target environment.
      2. Create the JAZZSM_LAUNCHPAD_UPDATES environment variable and set it to the source location on your local file system where the update is available. When you start the launchpad, it looks for updates in the location that is defined in the JAZZSM_LAUNCHPAD_UPDATES environment variable and then applies the updates.
  2. Click Full. The Full Installation panel opens.
  3. Review the instructions in the Full Installation panel, and click Next. The Full Installation> Software License Agreement panel opens.
    Note: If your environment already contains DB2, WebSphere Application Server, or any of the Jazz for Service Management services that are installed, you cannot proceed with Full Installation. To proceed with Full Installation, you must uninstall them or you must use Custom workflow instead.
  4. Review the license agreements and accept the terms, and click Next. The Full Installation > Installation Images Location panel opens.
  5. Click Scan to run Prerequisite Scanner and scan your environment for the Jazz for Service Management requirements. The launchpad runs the convenience script for a full installation and displays the overall result in the Prerequisite Scan panel. To view the details, click Detailed Scan Results.

    Possible results from running Prerequisite Scanner in the target environment are as follows:


    If the target environment does not meet any of the prerequisite checks, Prerequisite Scanner returns an overall FAIL result for the environment. The tool displays the scan results for the individual prerequisite properties in the command window.

    If Prerequisite Scanner returns this result, take the appropriate actions; for example, install the missing operating system packages, increase disk space for the file systems, or modify the configuration settings of the target environment to match the expected values in the scan results.

    You can continue with the full installation without taking appropriate action, but it might fail or install with issues.

    If the target environment meets all prerequisite checks, Prerequisite Scanner returns an overall PASS result for the environment.

    If Prerequisite Scanner returns this result, you can install Jazz for Service Management.

  6. Click Next. The Full Installation > Basic Settings panel opens.
  7. Verify, use, or enter the default values as required:
    Option Description
    User name The administrator User ID for the database and application servers and Jazz for Service Management integration services. The default value is smadmin.
    Restriction: On Linux systems only: The length of the user ID must be a maximum of 8 characters; otherwise the installation program cannot create the DB2 instance.
    Password and Confirm password The password that is associated with any users created by the full installation. The password should have a minimum of 8 alphanumeric characters and must not contain special characters or space.
    Local host name The fully qualified name or IP address of the local server on which you install the software. The default value is the fully qualified host name that the launchpad retrieves from the local server. You can change the value, if it is not valid.
    WebSphere Home The installation location for IBM WebSphere Application Server (WAS_HOME). The default location if not specified is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer on Windows systems or /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer on Linux and AIX systems.
    DB2 Home The installation location for IBM DB2 (DB2_HOME). The default location if not specified is C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB on Windows systems or /opt/ibm/db2 on Linux and AIX systems.
    Jazz for Service Management Home The installation location for Jazz for Service Management (JazzSM_HOME). The default location if not specified is C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzSM on Windows systems or /opt/IBM/JazzSM on Linux and AIX systems.
  8. Click Next. The Full Installation > Installation Summary panel opens.
  9. Click Install. After the installation is complete, the launchpad displays the overall result of the installation in the Full Installation > Installation Results panel.

What to do next