Running Prerequisite Scanner by using convenience scripts

Use IBM® Prerequisite Scanner to scan your environment for Jazz™ for Service Management hardware and software prerequisites.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that your target environments meet the Prerequisite Scanner system requirements. See Prerequisite Scanner prerequisites.
  2. If you do not intend to install Jazz for Service Management to the default installation directory or use the default temporary directory, you must modify the configuration files to check whether these non-default directories have the required available disk space. See Editing default configuration files for non-default installation locations.

About this task

Prerequisite Scanner is bundled with Jazz for Service Management. The tool provides convenience scripts to support full and custom installations of Jazz for Service Management on different platforms. It also supports updates to an existing Jazz for Service Management installation on different platforms.

For a full installation and a single-server update only, you can also run Prerequisite Scanner by clicking Scan in the Full Installation panel of the launchpad or by clicking Run in the launchpad Tools > IBM Prerequisite Scanner panel.

If a prerequisite with a WARNING severity is encountered then the overall result is shown as WARNING and NOT as FAIL. See Prerequisite properties with warning severity.

After you run the tool, the results of the scan are displayed and also saved to text and XML files. If the scan fails, take appropriate action; for example, install missing packages or increase disk space. If the scan is successful, you can install Jazz for Service Management.

Prerequisite Scanner provides a set of convenience scripts that specify the required and optional parameters to run Prerequisite Scanner and scan for the prerequisites that are required for each supported installation scenario in Jazz for Service Management.

Table 1. Prerequisite Scanner convenience scripts
Installation scenario Server Integration services Convenience script

Custom installation or update

(Two server topology, server 1)

Database server only

Registry Services database

JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/JazzSMScripts/|bat [update]

Custom installation or update

(Two server topology, server 2)

Composite server

Administration Services

Administration Services UI

Dashboard Application Services Hub

Registry Services application

Security Services

Tivoli® Common Reporting

JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/JazzSMScripts/|bat [update]

Full installation or update

(Single-server topology, without Tivoli Common Reporting)

Single server, without Tivoli Common Reporting

Administration Services

Administration Services UI

Dashboard Application Services Hub

Registry Services

Security Services


Full installation or update

(Single-server topology, with Tivoli Common Reporting)

Single server, with Tivoli Common Reporting

Administration Services

Administration Services UI

Dashboard Application Services Hub

Registry Services

Security Services

Tivoli Common Reporting


Custom installation or update

(Three server topology, server 1)

Database server only

Registry Services database

JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/JazzSMScripts/|bat [update]

Custom installation or update

(Three server topology, server 2)

Enterprise server only

Administration Services

Registry Services application

Security Services

JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/JazzSMScripts/|bat [update]

Custom installation or update

(Three server topology, server 3)

UI and reporting server only

Administration ServicesAdministration Services UI

Dashboard Application Services Hub

Tivoli Common Reporting

JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/JazzSMScripts/|bat [update]

Custom installation or update

(Reporting server only)

Single server, Tivoli Common Reporting only

Tivoli Common Reporting

JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/TCR.bat|sh [update]
Note: This convenience script scans for Tivoli Common Reporting requirements only. It does not scan for the Reporting Services requirements.
Tip: You can run Prerequisite Scanner manually, by running prereq_checker script that takes a set of required and optional parameters. Run the tool manually to check for prerequisites for an individual integration service. See Running Prerequisite Scanner manually.

Jazz for Service Management Version and later fix packs use an environment variable to indicate whether it is a fresh Jazz for Service Management installation, JazzSM_FreshInstall=True, or an update to an existing Jazz for Service Management installation, JazzSM_FreshInstall=False.

You can run the convenience scripts for your scenario from the command line. The convenience scripts were also updated since Version to support the update scenario. You can specify the optional update parameter when you manually run a convenience script. When this parameter is specified, Prerequisite Scanner sets the value of the JazzSM_FreshInstall environment variable to false. It then scans the target system for the prerequisite properties that are associated with the Jazz for Service Management update scenario. If the parameter is not specified, Prerequisite Scanner sets the value of the JazzSM_FreshInstall environment variable to true and scans the target system for the prerequisite properties that are associated with the fresh installation scenario.


  1. Ensure that you copied and extracted the contents of the Jazz for Service Management installation media for your platform to a directory on your local system, referred to as JazzSM_Image_Home/. See Setting up a local file system for a custom installation.

    The JazzSM_Image_Home/ directory contains the PrereqScanner subdirectory, also referred as the ips_root directory.

  2. Open the command window and change to the JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner/JazzSMScripts directory.
    Note: If you want to scan for Tivoli Common Reporting requirements only, change to the JazzSM_Image_Home/PrereqScanner directory in which the TCR convenience script is located.
  3. Run the Prerequisite Scanner convenience script file for your installation scenario and server as outlined in Table 1.
    Example, custom installation

    This example runs Prerequisite Scanner for a fresh installation that scans for the prerequisites, which are required by the composite server in a two-server distributed environment.

    Windows operating systems
    AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems
    Example, update existing installation

    This example runs Prerequisite Scanner for an update to an existing installation that scans for the prerequisites, which are required by the composite server in a two-server distributed environment.

    Windows operating systems
    Scenario1_EntUI_Server.bat update
    AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems
    ./ update


Possible results from running Prerequisite Scanner in the target environment are as follows:


If the target environment does not meet any of the prerequisite checks, Prerequisite Scanner returns an overall FAIL result for the environment. The tool displays the scan results for the individual prerequisite properties in the command window.

If Prerequisite Scanner returns this result, then take the appropriate actions; for example, install the missing operating system packages, increase disk space for the file systems, or modify the configuration settings of the target environment to match the expected values in the scan results.


If the target environment does not meet any of the non-important prerequisite checks (for example Cpu speed), Prerequisite Scanner returns an overall WARNING result for the environment. The tool displays the scan results for the individual prerequisite properties in the command window.

If Prerequisite Scanner returns this result, performance problems might be encountered after installation.


If the target environment meets all prerequisite checks, Prerequisite Scanner returns an overall PASS result for the environment.

If Prerequisite Scanner returns this result, then you can install Jazz for Service Management.

The tool outputs the result.txt, result.xml, and precheck.log files to the following locations:

  • AIX operating systemsLinux operating systemLinux on System z operating systems$HOME/prslogs
  • Windows operating systems%USERPROFILE%\prslogs