What's new in IBM Case Manager, Version 5.3.0?

IBM® Case Manager, Version 5.3.0 provides new features and other enhancements.

Box collaboration

IBM Case Manager now integrates with Box so case workers can collaborate with external users. By enabling Box collaboration, you can configure solutions to permit case workers to associate cases with Box folders. These Box collaboration folders enable case workers to exchange content with external users. For more information, see Integrating with Box.

In addition, you can use an event listener to monitor the Box collaboration folder. You then configure an event handler that performs actions such as creating cases and launching workflows or tasks in response to documents that are added to or updated in the collaboration folder. You can use either the Box Document Copy to Case handler that IBM Case Manager provides or create a custom handler. For more information, see Monitoring events for a Box collaboration folder.

IBM Case Monitor Dashboard

You can use the IBM Case Monitor Dashboard to view of business activity data that is specific to case management systems. This dashboard, which is an IBM Content Navigator desktop, provides a dashboard that displays widgets that show case and task activity across solutions. For more information, see Integrating with the IBM Case Monitor Dashboard.

Case Packager enhancements

You can now replace the Create Package action in the Case Toolbar widget with the Create Default Package action. By using the Create Default Package action, case workers can generate a case package with a single click instead of having to select the contents of the package. The resulting case package contains all case artifacts.

You can now create a case package from a task work flow by using either of two new case operations. The createCasePackage operation creates a package that contains the case artifacts that you specify in the operation parameters. The createDefaultCasePackage operation creates a package that contains all case-related artifacts. For more information, see, createCasePackage operation and createDefaultCasePackage operation.

Document type enhancements

You can now create a document type that inherits properties from an existing document type. The new child document type inherits all the properties that are defined for the parent document type. For more information, see Adding and modifying document types.