Upgrading the software

When a new version of software becomes available, you can perform an upgrade. Use IBM® Installation Manager to update the software installation.

Before you begin


You cannot upgrade IBM Rational® Performance Tester and IBM Rational Functional Tester from any version of the product to version 9.2. All earlier versions of the product must be uninstalled before installing version 9.2.

No direct upgrade paths to version 9.2 are supported. To upgrade Rational Integration Tester and Rational Test Control Panel packages to version 9.2, uninstall any previously installed version and install version 9.2. For install instructions, see Installing the product software.

When you upgrade, or uninstall an older version to move to a newer version (when the upgrade is not applicable), the customized trust stores that are located at Rational Test Control Panel installation location\usr\servers\defaultServer\resources\security, if any, are removed. Hence, before uninstalling or upgrading a version, create a backup copy of the trust stores.

If you upgrade from a previous version of Rational Test Control Panel, all communications with the software by default use HTTP on port 7819. To use HTTPS by default during the upgrade of the Rational Test Control Panel software, you must use the Install option in IBM Installation Manager and click Check for Other Versions, Fixes, and Extensions in the Install Packages dialog; otherwise, you continue to use HTTP on port 7819. You can change the port number and enable HTTPS even after the installation. For details, see Configuring the server HTTP Endpoint.

  • Read the release notes to learn about any conditions for the upgrade. Generally, it is possible to upgrade without uninstalling the existing version but some releases might have some restrictions.
  • Read the upgrade considerations for your product to know about any upgrade prerequisites or conditions, and for any data preservation or migration requirements.
  • Have your IBM ID and password ready to access the upgrade package. This ID is linked to your IBM Passport Advantage account and is the same one that you use to install the software.

About this task

You can update your software in two ways:
  • Online mode: This method requires an internet connection. Installation Manager connects to the IBM update repositories that are preconfigured when the product is installed, and downloads and installs the update package.
  • Offline mode: While connected to the internet, download the package from the IBM update repository and extract the files to a temporary location. Then in offline mode, run Installation Manager and update the installation.

The following upgrade procedure does not apply to 9.2.


  1. Start Installation Manager.
  2. To install the update in offline mode, follow these steps, else go to step 3.
    1. Download the update package from the IBM repository. For information about the repository location, see the Download document for the release. The download document is available on the IBM Support website.
    2. Extract the package to a temporary location on your computer.
    3. In Installation Manager, click File > Preferences.
    4. Click Add Repository and add the path to the repository.config or the disktag.inf file in the package that you extracted.
    5. Click OK.
  3. On the Installation Manager main page, click Update.
  4. Select the package to update. Click Next.
  5. Review and accept the terms of the license agreement. Click Next. Installation Manager searches the online and local repositories to verify the upgrade package.
  6. Enter your IBM ID and password when prompted. Click OK.
  7. Review the update package. To start the update, click Update.
  8. After the update finishes, click Finish.
