Start of change

Deprecated, stabilized, superseded, and removed features

Read the information in this section to properly plan for installation, upgrades, and migration.

Deprecated features

If a feature is listed here as deprecated, IBM® might remove this capability in a subsequent release of the product. Future investment will be focused on the strategic function listed under Recommended Migration Action. Typically, a feature is not deprecated unless an equivalent alternative is provided.

For information about features that have been deprecated in this release, see Deprecated features.

Stabilized features

If a feature is listed here as stabilized, IBM® does not currently plan to deprecate or remove this capability in a subsequent release of the product; but, future investment will be focused on the alternative function listed under Strategic Alternative. You do not need to change any of your existing applications and scripts that use a stabilized function; but you should consider using the strategic alternative for new applications.

For information about features that have been stabilized in this release, see Stabilized features.

Superseded features

If a feature is listed here as superseded, a new feature or combination of features might provide an advantage over using the superseded feature. The new feature or features might not completely replace the function of the superseded feature; therefore, you must consider your specific needs before deciding whether to change your configuration. Superseded features remain supported and valid for use in your configuration; the superseded label simply provides an indication that you might be able to improve your configuration.

Removed features

For information about features that have been removed in this release, see Removed features.

End of change