Setting up the data mover nodes in a vSphere environment

If you offload backup workloads to a vStorage backup server in a vSphere environment, set up the data mover nodes to run the operation and move the data to the Tivoli® Storage Manager server.

Before you begin

In a standard Data Protection for VMware environment, a separate dsm.opt file (Windows) or dsm.sys file stanza (Linux) is used for each data mover node. When multiple data mover nodes on a vStorage Backup Server are used for data deduplication, and these nodes have authority to move data for the same datacenter node, then each dsm.opt file or dsm.sys file stanza must include a different value for the dedupcachepath option. For best results, specify a different schedlogname and errorlogname option for each dsm.opt file or dsm.sys file stanza. The minimum set of required options is provided in Step 2.
A data mover node typically uses the SAN to back up and restore data. If you configure the data mover node to directly access the storage volumes, turn off automatic drive letter assignment. If you do not turn off letter assignments, the client on the data mover node might corrupt the Raw Data Mapping (RDM) of the virtual disks. If the RDM of the virtual disks is corrupted, backups fail. Consider the following conditions for restore configurations:
The data mover node is on a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 system:
If you plan to use the SAN to restore data, you must set the Windows SAN policy to OnlineAll. Run diskpart.exe and type the following commands to turn off automatic drive letter assignment and set the SAN policy to OnlineAll:
  automount disable
  automount scrub
  san policy OnlineAll 
The backup-archive client is installed in a virtual machine on a Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 system:
If you plan to use the hotadd transport to restore data from dynamically added disks, the SAN policy on that system must also be set to OnlineAll.
Whether the client uses the SAN or hotadd transport, the Windows SAN policy must be set to OnlineAll. If the SAN policy is not set to OnlineAll, restore operations fail, and the following message is returned:
ANS9365E VMware vStoragee API error.
TSM function name: vddksdk Write
TSM file : vmvddkdsk.cpp (2271)
API return code : 1
API error message : Unknown error
ANS0361I DIAG: ANS1111I VmRestoreExtent(): VixDiskLib_Write
FAILURE startSector=512 sectorSize=512 byteOffset=262144,
Restriction: Data Protection for VMware does not support scheduling the vStorage Backup Server (that is used as the data mover) to back up itself. Make sure that the vStorage Backup Server is excluded from its own schedules. Use a different vStorage Backup Server to perform the backup of a VM that contains a vStorage Backup Server.

About this task

Tip: All steps in this procedure are completed on the vStorage Backup Server.


  1. Update the backup-archive client options file with these settings:
    • Windows operating systemsSpecify these options in the dsm.opt options file.
    • Linux operating systemsSpecify these options in the dsm.sys file, in the stanza for the data mover node.
    Specify the name of a previously defined data mover node. Tivoli Storage Manager schedules are associated with the data mover node.
    Specify GENERATE so that the password is generated automatically (instead of a user prompt).
    Specify the host name of the vCenter (or ESX server) where the off-host backup commands are directed.
    Specify FULLVM. This setting designates that a full VM backup is run. This value is necessary to run full VM and full VM incremental backups.
    Specify this option to direct the client acceptor to manage both the web client and the scheduler (schedule webclient).
    Specify the TCP/IP address for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    Specify the TCP/IP port address for the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
    Specify the communication method to be used by the Tivoli Storage Manager server. For data mover nodes, you must specify TCP/IP as the communication method. If another method is specified, operations fail.
    This option specifies a TCP/IP port address and is required only when more than one client acceptor service is used. For example, if two data mover nodes (and two client acceptor services) are used, then the option file for each data mover node must specify a different HTTPPORT value.
    An example file with these settings is provided here:
    NODename MY_DMNODE
    PASSWORDAccess generate
    VMBACKUPType FUllvm
    MANAGEDServices schedule webclient
    TCPPort 1500
    COMMMethod tcpip
    HTTPPORT	1583
    For instant access, instant restore, or mount (file restore) operations, make sure to add VMISCSISERVERADDRESS to the backup-archive client options file. Specify the iSCSI server IP address of the network card on the vStorage Backup Server that is used for the iSCSI data transfer during instant operations. The physical network interface card (NIC) that is bound to the iSCSI device on the ESX host must be on the same subnet as the NIC on the vStorage Backup Server that is used for the iSCSI transfer.
  2. Issue this command to set the VMware vCenter user and password for the data mover node:
    dsmc set password -type=vm <administrator> <password1>
  3. Start a backup-archive client command-line session with the -asnodename and -optfile command-line parameters:
    dsmc -asnodename=VC1_DC1 -optfile=dsm_DM1.opt

    Make sure that after your initial sign-on, you are not prompted for your password.

    Attention: To prevent the Tivoli Storage Manager scheduler from failing, make sure that the asnodename option is not set in the dsm.opt file (Windows) or dsm.sys file stanza (Linux). The scheduler queries the Tivoli Storage Manager server for schedules associated with nodename (data mover node), not asnodename (datacenter node). If asnodename is set in dsm.opt or dsm.sys, schedules associated with asnodename (and not nodename) are queried. As a result, scheduling operations fail.

    Complete these tasks:

    1. Verify the connection to the Tivoli Storage Manager server by issuing this command:
      dsmc query session
      This command shows information about your session, including the current node name, when the session was established, server information, and server connection information.
    2. Verify you can back up a VM by issuing this command:
      dsmc backup vm vm1
      In Steps 3b and 3d, vm1 is the name of the VM.
    3. Verify that the backup completed successfully by issuing this command:
      dsmc query vm "*"
    4. Verify that the VM can be restored by issuing this command:
      dsmc restore vm vm1 -vmname=vm1-restore
  4. Set up the client acceptor service and backup-archive scheduler service by completing the following tasks:
    • Windows operating systemsThis procedure uses the Tivoli Storage Manager Client GUI Configuration wizard to set up the client acceptor service and scheduler service. By default, the remote client agent service is also set up through the wizard. If you use the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Service Configuration Utility (dsmcutil) for this task, make sure to also install the remote client agent service.

      Start the Tivoli Storage Manager Client Configuration wizard from the file menu by going to Utilities > Setup Wizard:

      • Select Help me configure the TSM Web Client. Enter the information as prompted.
        1. In the When do you want the service to start? option, select Automatically when Windows boots.
        2. In the Would you like to start the service upon completion of this wizard? option, select Yes.
        When the operation completes successfully, return to the wizard welcome page and proceed to Step b.
        Tip: When you configure more than one data mover node on the same machine, you must specify a different port value for each client acceptor instance.
      • Select Help me configure the TSM Client Scheduler. Enter the information as prompted.
        1. When you enter the scheduler name, make sure to select the Use the Client Acceptor daemon (CAD) to manage the scheduler option.
        2. In the When do you want the service to start? option, select Automatically when Windows boots.
        3. In the Would you like to start the service upon completion of this wizard? option, select Yes.
    • Linux operating systemsFor the backup-archive client on Linux, complete the following steps:
      1. Specify the following options in the dsm.sys file, in the stanza for the data mover node:
        • Specify the managedservices option with these two parameters:
          managedservices schedule webclient
          This setting directs the client acceptor to manage both the web client and the scheduler.
        • (Optional) If you want to direct schedule and error information to log files other than the default files, specify the schedlogname and errorlogname options with the fully qualified path and file name in which to store log information. For example:
          schedlogname /vmsched/dsmsched_dm.log
          errorlogname /vmsched/dsmerror_dm.log
      2. Start the client acceptor service:
        The installation program creates a startup script for the client acceptor (dsmcad) in /etc/init.d. The client acceptor must be started before it can manage scheduler tasks, or manage the web client. As root, complete the following steps:
        1. Configure the client acceptor service and backup-archive scheduler service to act as a vStorage Backup Server. You must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the client installation directory and the Java™ shared library The path to is also used for tagging support when you enable the vmtagdatamover client option on the data mover.

          Ensure that Java software is installed and the JAVA_HOME environment variable is exported correctly.

          The following paths are typical examples of the path to
          • For IBM® Java: $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/classic/
          • For Oracle Java: $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server/
          You must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable in the /etc/init.d/dsmcad file. For example:
          • For IBM Java, set the following environment variable:
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/classic/
          • For Oracle Java, set the following environment variable:
            export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server/ 
        2. Start the client acceptor by issuing the following command:
          service dsmcad start
          To enable the client acceptor to start automatically after a system restart, add the service as follows, at a shell prompt:
          # chkconfig --add dsmcad
          Tip: If you want to run the dsmc command directly from the Linux command-line, you must also apply the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to the command shell.
  5. Verify that the client acceptor and agent are set up correctly:
    1. Log on to a remote system.
    2. Use a web browser to connect to the HOST1 system by using this address and port:
    Tip: When the IP address changes on the system where the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI is installed, you must complete the following:
    1. Complete the tasks described in Troubleshooting.
    2. Set up the client acceptor again (Step 3) so that the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI becomes enabled for operations. Otherwise, the Plug-in Manager shows the Data Protection for VMware vSphere GUI status as disabled.

What to do next

After successfully setting up the data mover nodes, the next manual configuration task is to configure the VMCLI profile as described in Configuring the Data Protection for VMware command-line interface in a vSphere environment.