Migrating EVENTS table data to Sterling B2B Integrator activity tables

During the upgrade process, IBM® Control Center creates tables to capture Sterling B2B Integrator activity. If you have Sterling B2B Integrator data that was collected prior to upgrading to IBM Control Center V5.4.2, run the convertB2BData utility to migrate your existing data to the Sterling B2B Integrator tables.

About this task

The convertB2BData utility migrates data previously stored in the EVENTS table to where it is stored now in the following tables: Sterling File Gateway activity (FG_STATS_LOG), protocol activity (AFT_STATS_LOG), and business process activity (BP_STATS_LOG).
Important: Run the migration utility after you upgrade IBM Control Center, while the engine is stopped. Do not run Sterling B2B Integrator or Sterling File Gateway reports for data that was collected before the upgrade until you have migrated your data.

To migrate EVENTS table data to the Sterling B2B Integrator activity tables:


  1. Run the configCC utility to update the database schema.
  2. Use one of the following methods to run the convertB2BData migration utility and do not start the engine until the migration is complete:
    Operating system Description
    UNIX Run the convertB2BData.sh from installation directory/bin
    Microsoft Windows Run the convertB2BData.bat from installation directory/bin
    If the script ends with the following message, you have successfully run the script: Conversion complete.
    Important: Depending on the volume of your data, the migration utility can take several hours to complete the migration process. You may want to run the migration utility on a test or development environment before you run it with production data.