Removing the graphics processing unit from a water-cooled 8335-GTW or 8335-GTX system

To remove a graphics processing unit from a water-cooled system, complete the steps in this procedure.

Before you begin

Power off the system and place it in the service position. For instructions, see Preparing the 8335-GTC, 8335-GTG, 8335-GTH, 8335-GTW, or 8335-GTX system to remove and replace internal parts.

About this task

Attention: For safety and airflow purposes, if you remove parts from the system, you must ensure that the PCIe tailstock fillers are present.

As part of the GPU replacement, the cold plate is removed. Each GPU must have thermal interface material (TIM) between the GPU and the cold plate. When a GPU is replaced, each of the TIMs that share the coldplate must also be replaced. Ensure that you have spare GPU TIMs available before proceeding.


  1. Attach the electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap.
    The ESD wrist strap must be connected to an unpainted metal surface until the service procedure is completed, and if applicable, until the service access cover is replaced.
    • Attach an electrostatic discharge (ESD) wrist strap to the front ESD jack, to the rear ESD jack, or to an unpainted metal surface of your hardware to prevent the electrostatic discharge from damaging your hardware.
    • When you use an ESD wrist strap, follow all electrical safety procedures. An ESD wrist strap is used for static control. It does not increase or decrease your risk of receiving electric shock when using or working on electrical equipment.
    • If you do not have an ESD wrist strap, just prior to removing the product from ESD packaging and installing or replacing hardware, touch an unpainted metal surface of the system for a minimum of 5 seconds. If at any point in this service process you move away from the system, it is important to again discharge yourself by touching an unpainted metal surface for at least 5 seconds before you continue with the service process.
  2. If you are removing multiple GPUs, label the GPUs, noting their positions and orientations.
    The system has 2 or 3 GPUs under a cold plate, depending on the system's configuration.
  3. Remove the air baffle next to the GPU you are replacing.
  4. Remove the cold plate for the GPU you are replacing.
    1. Loosen the cold plate retainer screw from each of the 2 or 3 GPUs and swing each retainer open as shown in Figure 1.
      Attention: Do not unscrew the four spring-loaded screws that attach the aluminum heat cover to the GPU.
      Figure 1. Open the cold plate retainer
      Open the cold plate retainer
    2. Lift the cold plate (A) off the GPUs that you are removing and attach the cold plate to the service hook (B) as shown in Figure 2.
      Figure 2. Remove the cold plate; attach to clip
      Remove the cold plate; attach to clip
  5. For the GPU you are removing, remove the eight screws shown in Figure 3.
    Attention: Do not unscrew the four spring-loaded screws that attach the aluminum heat cover to the GPU.
    Figure 3. Remove eight GPU screws per GPU; do not loosen the four spring-loaded screws
    Remove eight GPU screws per GPU; do not loosen the four spring-loaded screws
  6. Remove the GPU from the system backplane.
    Be careful of the pins on the bottom of the GPUs to avoid damaging the pins and the GPU. See Figure 4.
    Figure 4. Remove GPU
    Remove GPU