Importing a partition template

You can import a partition template into the template library by using the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

About this task

Before importing a partition template, consider the following restrictions:
  • If the partition template schema is different from the schema that is supported by the HMC, for example, if a tag that is not a part of the template OpenDocument Spreadsheets (ODS) file element is used, the partition template cannot be imported. However, if you are using HMC V9.1.930, or later, you can select another partition template and import that partition template.
  • If the partition template file size exceeds 10 MB, the partition template cannot be imported and the operation fails. However, if you are using HMC V9.1.930, or later, you can select another partition template and import that partition template.
To import a partition template, complete the following steps:


  1. In the navigation pane, click System resources.
  2. Click Templates and OS Images.
  3. Click the Partition tab and click Import.
  4. In the Import Partition Template page, click Browse to navigate to the template file.
    After you select the file, the selected file name is displayed in the Template name field. You can optionally change the name of the file. If a template with that name exists, the import fails and an error message is displayed. If you are using HMC V9.1.930, or later, you can change the name of the file or select another partition template and import that partition template.
  5. Click OK.