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BI Assistant

Your AI-powered business analyst and advisor

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Extraordinary analytics for ordinary business users

IBM watsonx™ BI Assistant answers your business questions in seconds, guiding you toward the most impactful decisions.

Understand what happened and why, what might happen, and what you can do about it. With clear, step-by-step explanations of its reasoning, watsonx BI Assistant empowers every business user with insights for confident decision-making at the speed of thought.

Ask your questions, get answers and discover deep insights without delay. 

Explore the solution brief
Gartner Predicts 2024: How AI will impact analytics users

The new role of AI in analytics. Check out Gartner's key findings.

See the announcement: IBM's latest AI assistant product
Benefits Why watsonx BI Assistant? Join the waitlist to be contacted when watsonx BI Assistant is available Get faster insights

Ask questions using natural language and receive answers through a simple, intuitive interface. No need for complex dashboards.

Understand data more deeply

Uncover trends, understand causes, predict future outcomes and gain actionable strategies. 

Act with greater confidence

Enjoy world-class governance, transparency and security with insights that derive from a single source of truth via a centralized metrics catalog. 

Features Explore the solution brief Open and headless metrics catalog 

Reuse metrics from other platforms, including data build tool (DBT) and IBM® Cognos® Analytics across multiple analytics applications.

Advanced data visualization interaction

Customize the look and feel of data visualizations with conversational and graphical interactions.

Governed data and artificial intelligence (AI)

Help ensure world-class governance, trusted models and transparency for all AI workflows, powered by IBM watsonx™.

Semantic automation

Automate data profiling, business term matching and data modeling.

Gartner Predicts 2024: How AI will impact analytics users

The new role of AI in analytics. Check out Gartner's key findings.

Get the report
Capabilities AI-driven analytics

Gain insights that not only diagnose what happened but also predict outcomes and prescribe next actions.

Transparent reasoning

Trust the insights with progressive disclosure that clearly shows how answers are reached.

Personalized metrics

Track your most important metrics and get a daily summary of your business health.

Intelligent alerts

Be proactive with alerts that notify you of critical changes or trends and suggest actions.

Data stories

Communicate what you’ve learned easily with stories generated from visualizations and conversational content.

Embedded where you work

Work directly within Slack and Microsoft Teams for streamlined collaboration.

Use cases

See how you can use watsonx BI Assistant for your industry use case

Marketing Quickly address the drop in the trial conversion rate You get an alert that sales leads declined by 40%. Watsonx BI Assistant identifies a 50% decrease in trial conversions and highlights better-performing assets. You direct the web team to replace the trial and start exploring why users are stalling at the trial phase.

Sales Adjust sales tactics in time to meet revenue goals Despite a 5% increase in sales leads, the projected revenue is still USD 1 million short. Watsonx BI Assistants determines this is due to a 15% lower win rate and suggests a new “buy now” offer to meet the revenue goals.

Operations Proactively manage inventory and supply to maximize profit You’re alerted to an inventory shortfall affecting orders from 5 top customers. Watsonx BI Assistant confirms that the trend isn’t an anomaly and reveals these shortfalls have led to USD 3 million in revenue loss and USD 200,000 in penalties. You adjust delivery plans and reassess your supply plan.

Finance Accelerate revenue growth with strategic insights Are you preparing to meet with the general manager? Ask watsonx BI Assistant for a revenue breakdown by product and market. It reveals an unexpected 10% growth in one product and 15% growth in EMEA markets. You propose reallocating resources to these growth areas.

How to buy

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We’ll stay in touch with resources and contact you when your business analyst and advisor are available.


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Join the waitlist now. We'll contact you when watsonx BI Assistant is available. 

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