Forecasting preview

When the forecast options are set up, you can preview the forecast.

Before you begin

Note: The preview operation does not change your actual data.

You can preview only one time series at a time. The forecasting preview shows what the results for the forecast look like, based on your input. By default Preview is not active. Select up to 25 rows and you are able to click Preview.

Forecast options dialog box


  1. On the Forecast dialog box, click Preview.

    The preview is displayed with a visualization of the forecasted data, which is represented as a dotted line. Member captions, if available, are displayed on the preview by default.

    A univariate forecast shows predicted values, as well as a confidence envelope that indicates high and low bounds within a shaded area.

    Univariate forecast preview

    A multivariate forecast shows predicted values without a confidence envelope. A multivariate forecast also includes separate tabs for each variable included in the forecast. Click a tab to review data for the variables.

    Univariate forecast preview

    The Prediction accuracy shows: low, medium, or high.

  2. Click the Statistical details tab to review the details for the forecast.