Port requirements

Guardium® Insights requires that your system have some ports available for communication. This topic lists these connections and the default port numbers that are assigned to them.

Table 1. Port requirements
Port Protocol Purpose Direction
443 TCP HTTPS communication between Guardium Insights and its API. Both ways
5671, 5672 AMQP Azure connections only: Outbound ports to monitor Azure streaming. Outbound to Azure
8586 TCP HTTPS communication between Guardium Data Protection Central Manager and Guardium Insights. Guardium Insights to Guardium Data Protection Central Manager
A port that is automatically generated during deployment with a value between 30000 and 32767. SSH/SCP Dynamically allocated communication between Guardium Data Protection Collectors and Guardium Insights. A distinct port is used for each deployment, but the value of the port will always be between 30000 and 32767.

To learn which port is being used, issue this command:

oc get services <guardium_insights_namespace>-ssh-service -ojsonpath='{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}' && echo

where <guardium_insights_namespace> is the Guardium Insights OpenShift® namespace that you created when preparing your environment.

Collectors to Guardium Insights